Parent and carer information

Parents/Carers are integral to our school community in order to help us to achieve our aims. We strongly believe in the importance of a strong home-school communication and we believe we know our families well. We strive to work alongside our parents so that together, we develop and deliver a vision of growth, ambition, and achievement.

At Lapage, we have developed a range of opportunities to involve you in your child’s journey throughout school:

  • Parent-teacher consultations
  • Newsletters
  • Parent drop-in sessions

Parents play an important role in supporting their child’s learning and development. Mrs S Khan (Family Support Worker) and Ms S Hussain (Community Involvement Officer) work alongside families and can offer and/or signpost families to arrange of opportunities that are available.

Our pastoral teams will support you with:

  • Understanding your child’s physical and emotional needs
  • Developing routines
  • General parenting support
  • Understanding effective ways to cope with trauma, change or behavioural challenges
  • Benefits, letters and forms
  • Learning how to educate children through play
  • Practical support
  • Parenting courses

Head of School: Shabana Khan

Executive Headteacher: Suzanne Carter

Lapage Primary School
Barkerend Road,