Lapage Primary School is proud to provide a healthy breakfast to our pupils so that they are settled and ready to learn.
Children start their school day in the best possible way. Breakfast gives children the energy needed for the busy school morning, enabling them to focus on their lessons.
We recognise that school mornings are busy in any household and the time to sit and eat a healthy breakfast can – all too often – run out, with children often choosing not to prioritise eating over the need to do other things before leaving for school. A child who hasn’t eaten since the previous tea time is a HUNGRY child, even if they don’t recognise it! We are well aware of the impact of hunger on a child and are fully committed to ensuring that no child is too hungry to learn.
Here at Lapage, pupils can attend Breakfast Club from 8 am every morning. As well as eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast with their friends, children enjoy the wide range of activities which are available each day, and enjoy checking in with warm and welcoming adults who are keen to engage them in some good fun before the formal school day begins.
With opportunities to play and be social, build relationships with key adults, and play games, Breakfast Club is so much more than eating breakfast!
There is a charge of £2.50 per week, which is payable through the Arbor app. If this cost is a barrier to your child attending, please speak with Sheena Khan, our Family Support Worker on 01274 669 100.